A sense of peace flooded over me like a tidal wave. It isn't something that struck me, like the slap of cold water in the face. It was sort of an enveloping warmth, a realization that's been creeping in for awhile. Life, somehow, has righted itself. I am in awe of the methodical, plodding way in which order and sanity have been reestablished in my life.
I thought of some of the people I know: friends and acquaintances for whom I wished the same sense of peace, the same feeling of calmness and the strength that comes from knowing that everything is as it should be. I thought of people falling on hard times, of long-standing relationships crumbling, of family members passing on. I said, "Thank you," to whomever it is that I thank when beauty strikes me, and wished with the deepest part of my heart good things to those I know deserve a bit of respite.
Today was a beautiful day. I can't wait to see what comes with the sunrise tommorow.
"God never slams a door in your face
without opening a box of Girl Scout cookies." (Elizabeth Gilbert)
"God never slams a door in your face
without opening a box of Girl Scout cookies." (Elizabeth Gilbert)
"I've got peace like a river..."
Oh, how well I know that peaceful, easy feeling. And it's been a long time coming for us both, I'm sure.
Time has a way of syncing people up, doesn't it?
It's always good to hear that someone, especially someone you like and admire, has found that sense of peace.
Long may it last.
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