Monday, October 23, 2006

"Houston, we have a @$%#ing problem!"



Want to know something mindblowingly weird? I'm 90% certain I'll be moving to to a job in KC next February.

How @$%#ing weird is that?


PS: How ya been?

----- Response -----


90% certain, huh? And yes, very @$%#ing weird. And exciting, if you're a girl who happens to actually be in KC. Plan on asking me to coffee? Bringing Mrs. Doc with you?

And I've been fantastic. Fan-@$%#ing-tastic!


-----No Response-----
One month later...

Mornin Doc!

Whatever happened to you heading towards KC?




May 2007. But as far as you're concerned, nothing, after your foul-mouthed, ill-judged reply awhile back.




I'm sorry?? I thought perhaps I'd let a word or two slip, but when I went back and re-read my last several emails to you, there was nothing in them that I thought you might find offensive.

You sure it was me?




Nevermind, I found it. If seeing the word @$%# disturbs you, then I'm certainly sorry to have offended. It wasn't my intent.

I think you're being over-sensitive, and it probably would have been more effective to say, "Yanno, that really bothers me. Please don't do it," but whatever works for you, man.

Funny thing is, that word isn't even a part of my regular vocabulary. I was having a great day, and was elated about some life goings-on. It came out a bit over-exhuberant, I'll admit, but I'm not certain it's something I'd break contact over, were it me.

Enjoy the day!

-----End Communication-----

I swear all the men I know are ragging right now. What the hell? Can't a girl get a break for just a week or two? Please? You guys are killin me....

I don't know whether I'm confused, offended, or hurt.

Okay, nix on the hurt. I'm confused and offended. Why is it okay for a man to use that type of language in casual communication, but not a woman? It isn't something I say every day, and it's certainly not something I let slip around folks I'm not comfortable with.

I don't get it. I just don't get it...


LV said...

So I assume the text in question was not really "@$%#" but rather "fuck" or the like? Well, it seems to me that what happened is that doc read some tone into your first response that you had not intended. That's happened to me before when e-mailing my sister and it led to a bunch of ugliness. The best way to straighten it out is to call the person and talk. Or you can try to re-hash it all with another e-mail if you're opposed to talking. It's just one of those things with messaging - you don't have much control over the tone that is taken when your message is read. Cheers,

Mr. Miller said...

Two things again... come to mind...

1: ALL MEN????

2: "Even the sincerest apology is deemed to be toxic by someone Determined to be offended"

Your motives were pure... ya done good.


Mouth said...

LV: yes, the word was "fuck". I was trying to be coy... which, with me, comes off about as well as a hippo trying her hand at ballet.

Mouth said...

ps: i can't really call him on a whim... he's overseas

Mouth said...

M: For all your rambling and blustering, you sure did keep this one nice and tidy!


1. Okay... most men... (now you get to determine if I'm casting you into the pit with "most", or if you're excluded)


B. Agreed.

I'm not chasing him down to appolagize. He'll figure it out, or he won't. It's a shame, but that's life.


Lane G. Wade said...

Wasn't there a ballet-dancing hippo in "Fantasia"??

Mouth said...

Yes of course there was... but she wasn't terribly graceful.